Specific Skills
Advanced excel analysis (Excel Power Pivots, Power Query, DAX, M Language etc.).
Power BI (Incorporation with DHIS2 Connector etc).
Statistical software/tools/Open Source (STATA, ATLAS.ti, SPSS, Tableau, Open Data Kit (ODK)).
GIS (ArcGIS, Google Maps-App Incorporation).
Software development (PHP, JavaScript, Python, html, CSS, jQuery, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Hybrid mobile app development-Cordova/PhoneGap, Mobile Angular UI, Ionic, React Native).
DHIS2 configuration & maintenance (API integration, Event/Tracker Programs, dashboards, data analysis).
REDCap (Customization, Maintenance, Legacy data import, Data Exports, Reports & Statistics).
M&E developments (Data collection tools, theory of change, logic models, M&E systems, results framework etc.).
System development using RAD and Agile SCRUM methodologies.
Information system user requirements establishment and vendor management.
Banking system integration support (IST-NFS running on ISO8583:1993, Data Navigator, Fraud Navigator, IST Clearing and NETXMS Applications).
Development and deployment of backup technologies & disaster recovery methods.
• Ability to learn new skills quickly, and adapt to change of work and environment easily.
• Able to work with minimum supervision.
• Able to innovate programs that help achieve the objectives of the organisation.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
• Task oriented, hardworking, responsible, sober minded and honest.
• Keen on exceeding expectations & proactive in handling risks.